Query Expansion of Zero-Hit Subject Searches: Using a Thesaurus in Conjunction with NLP Techniques

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Query Expansion of Zero-Hit Subject Searches: Using a Thesaurus in Conjunction with NLP Techniques

Zaphiris, Panayiotis
Kapidakis, Sarantos
Loizides, Fernando
Rasmussen, Edie
Buchanan, George
Μάστορα, Άννα (EL)
Πεπονάκης, Μανόλης (EL)
Peponakis, Manolis (EN)
Mastora, Anna (EN)

Berlin, Heidelberg (EN)
The focus of our study is zero-hit queries in keyword subject searches and the effort of increasing recall in these cases by reformulating and, then, expanding the initial queries using an external source of knowledge, namely a thesaurus. To this end, the objectives of this study are twofold. First, we perform the mapping of query terms to the thesaurus terms. Second, we use the matched terms to expand the user’s initial query by taking advantage of the thesaurus relations and implementing natural language processing (NLP) techniques. We report on the overall procedure and elaborate on key points and considerations of each step of the process. (EN)

Κεφάλαιο σε πρακτικά συνεδρίου (EL)
Conference proceeding chapter (EN)

Τεκμηρίωση (EL)
Υπηρεσίες πληροφόρησης (EL)
Information services (EN)
Zero-hit queries (EN)
Documentation (EN)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques (EN)
Query expansion (EN)
Thesauri (EN)




Second International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), Paphos, Cyprus, Theory and practice of digital libraries: second international conference: proceedings, 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-27

© 2012 Springer
This is a post print version of an article originallypublished in: Kapidakis, S., Mastora, A. & Peponakis, M., 2012. Query Expansion of Zero-Hit Subject Searches: Using a Thesaurus in Conjunction with NLP Techniques. In P. Zaphiris et al., eds. Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidel-berg: Springer, pp. 433–438. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33290-6_48

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