Spatiotemporal and qualitative analysis and evaluation of urban green, using a geographic information system

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Spatiotemporal and qualitative analysis and evaluation of urban green, using a geographic information system (EN)

Αχιλλεως Γεωργιος (EL)
Τσουχλαρακη Ανδρονικη (EL)
Tsouchlaraki Androniki (EN)
D. Venieri (EN)
Achilleos Georgios (EN)
G. Dimos (EN)

Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης (EL)
Technical University of Crete (EN)

full paper


Urban green is in our days a crucial parameter of the urban environment.Green should be analyzed and evaluated spatiotemporally as well as qualitatively in order to define what is satisfactory and what is not. This paper describes a research that took place in the city of Chania (Crete – Greece). The spatial distribution of urban green, its change through time and its qualitative characteristics are examined and the thoroughness with which this work is done, results to a system by which the local authorities can be supported to decide and to plan the actions needed to be taken to improve the quantity and quality of the urban green (where this is feasible). The use of a GIS system in this research, gives the opportunity to combine a set of data, dissimilar to each other, to find relations and differences and to classify the urban green into categories. (EN)

Urban green (EN)
Balance of nature,Biology--Ecology,Bionomics,Ecological processes,Ecological science,Ecological sciences,Environment,Environmental biology,Oecology,ecology,balance of nature,biology ecology,bionomics,ecological processes,ecological science,ecological sciences,environment,environmental biology,oecology (EN)


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