Censorship and Revolution: The suspected Edition of Nea Politike Dioikesis in Leipzig

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Λογοκρισία και επανάσταση: Η φημολογούμενη έκδοση της Νέας Πολιτικής Διοικήσεως στη Λιψία (EL)
Censorship and Revolution: The suspected Edition of Nea Politike Dioikesis in Leipzig (EN)

Χατζηπαναγιώτη-Sangmeister, Ίλια

Δε διατίθεται περίληψη στα ελληνικά. (EL)
Based on unknown documents from German archives, this article details a significant case of prohibitive censorship of a modern greek book during the age of Enlightenment.  As the unpublished sources show, the secretary of the Prince of Valachia filed in May 1798, some months after the arrest of Rigas Velestinlis, an official accusation against the Greek merchants in Leipzig for having printed a second edition of Nea Politike Dioikesis – the revolutionary manifest of Rigas. The subsequent investigations ordered and conducted by the saxonian authorities prooved that this accusation was unjustified: Neither the Nea Politike Dioikesis nor any other Greek political text were printed in 1798 in Leipzig. The German documents dissolved the bibliographical phantom of a second edition and allow us to examine the combined intervention: the joined forces of ottoman elites and western-european authorities aimed to prevent the publication and circulation of Greek books with contents considered to be subversive. (EN)


Λιψία (EL)
Ρήγας Βελεστινλής (EL)
λογοκρισία (EL)
επανάσταση (EL)
Νέα Πολιτική Διοίκησις (EL)
Rigas Velestinlis (EN)
Leipzig (EN)
Nea Politike Dioikesis (EN)
censorship (EN)
revolution (EN)

Ο Ερανιστής




Όμιλος Μελέτης του Ελληνικού Διαφωτισμού / Greek Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (EN)

Ο Ερανιστής; Τόμ. 29 (2016); 173-198 (EL)
The Gleaner; Vol. 29 (2016); 173-198 (EN)
Le Glaneur; Vol. 29 (2016); 173-198 (FR)

Copyright (c) 2019 Ίλια Χατζηπαναγιώτη-Sangmeister (EN)

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