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2019 (EN)


Aşkan, Aslı Balâ; Istanbul Technical University

There is a place for improvisation in any musical genres of the world. Whileimprovisation means the most natural way to express through music, to some it means high levels of proficiency in music. However, the term free improvisation describes a different genre. The genre free improvisation has a unique approach to music. Musicians have a freedom from any predetermined features of music. Genres, styles, scales, rhythmical structures, playing techniques and many more things can be modified through musician's will. Originated from free-jazz, freeimprovisation is now considered as a different genre. After a brief introduction to definition of free improvisation, the article will focus on free improvisation from two different perspectives. At first, the topic will be approached from  ethnomusicological perspective, in the introduction part. Through a historical perspective, the relationship between musical creativity and improvisation will be discussed. The main approach to this topic will focus on the relationship of free improvisation and music education. For introduction, some known techniques with improvisatory sections by famous composers and educators will be explained. Main focus of the second section will be the queries. Visual and musical results of performance-based surveys will show how boundaries can effect on an individual's creative process. In the last part of the education section, results from private piano classes that involve improvisatory sections will be explained. Results from two groups of students will be compared to each other, and to students in the control group. (EN)

Peer-reviewed Article (EN)

music education (EN)
Improvisation (EN)
creativity (EN)

Επιστημονική Έκδοση για τη Μουσική, την Εκπαίδευση και τον Πολιτισμό



Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (EN)

Επιστημονική Έκδοση για τη Μουσική, την Εκπαίδευση και τον Πολιτισμό; Vol 8, No 1 (EL)
Hellenic Journal of Music, Education and Culture; Vol 8, No 1 (EN)

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