Ebenfurans IV-VIII from Onobrychis ebenoides: Evidence that C-Prenylation is the Key Determinant of the Cytotoxicity of 3-Formyl-2-arylbenzofurans

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Ebenfurans IV-VIII from Onobrychis ebenoides: Evidence that C-Prenylation is the Key Determinant of the Cytotoxicity of 3-Formyl-2-arylbenzofurans

Aligiannis, Necktarios
Alexi, Xanthippi
Alexis, Michael N.
Skaltsounis, Alexios-Leandros



Phytochemical investigation of a methanol extract of Onobrychis ebenoides yielded five new 3-formyl-2-arylbenzofurans, namely, ebenfurans IV-VII (1-5), together with the known compounds ebenfurans I, II (6), and III (7). Only 1 and 7 exhibited growth inhibitory activity against MCF-7 and Ishikawa cells, suggesting that the prenyl moiety at position C-5 is the key determinant of the cytotoxic activity of this group of compounds.


Τύποι Τεκμηρίων
Άρθρο σε περιοδικό
Συλλογές του Ήλιος
Ινστιτούτο Βιολογικών Ερευνών και Βιοτεχνολογίας (ΙΒΕΒ) (έως 2012)
Ινστιτούτο Bιολογίας, Φαρμακευτικής Χημείας και Βιοτεχνολογίας (ΙΒΦΧΒ)

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