Αργολικές λατρείες στην Αχαΐα: η θρησκεία ως μέσον πολιτικής επιρροής και αναζήτησης ταυτότητας

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Αργολικές λατρείες στην Αχαΐα: η θρησκεία ως μέσον πολιτικής επιρροής και αναζήτησης ταυτότητας

Ριζάκης, Αθανάσιος Δ.

Relations between Achaea and the Argolis are ancient and flow in both directions. The symbolic and religious aspects of these relations, which may have started in the LHIIIC period, grew stronger during the Archaic period, during which the polis system emerged. During this period, Argos attempted to extend is political and cultural influence, whilst the cities of the north-west Peloponnese made efforts to reconnect with their Mycenaean past, a heritage that had been appropriated by Argos as a cultural counterbalance to Dorian Sparta. Relations between the two areas grew during late Classical and especially Hellenistic times, after Argos had been absorbed into the Achaeankoinon. The expansion of the koinonduring the 2c B.C., to take in the whole Peloponnese, was revenge on the part of the Achaeans for the eternal domination of the area by the Dorians.



ISBN: 978-960-98451-4-4
ISBN: 978-960-89506-6-5


Τύποι Τεκμηρίων
Συλλογές του Ήλιος
Ινστιτούτο Iστορικών Ερευνών (ΙΙΕ)
Τομέας Ελληνικής και Ρωμαϊκής Αρχαιότητος
Κεφάλαιο Βιβλίου

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