Key principles of inclusive education and main challenges of implementing inclusive practice at preschool level in Greece

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Key principles of inclusive education and main challenges of implementing inclusive practice at preschool level in Greece (EN)




Participation in high quality preschool education has long-term positive effects on children's development and the benefits are greater for children at risk of exclusion and from vulnerable environments. Modern and inclusive societies respond with equity and social justice to the diverse needs of the population. In this context, inclusive pre-school education aims at quality education for all learners, with equal opportunities for access, learning and achievement. Inclusion requires a significant change of mindset and a process of systemic reform and coordinated action at various levels, such as legal, political, organizational, pedagogical, educational, etc. Actions to transform the education system to meet the academic and social learning needs of all learners. In this article we report a study on investigation of the training needs, knowledge and skills of preschool teachers in Greece, for the implementation of inclusive education. Quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire were supplemented by preschool teacher interviews. In particular, the survey captured the thoughts, experiences, and priorities of policy makers on inclusive pre-school education at European and national level. It also included questionnaires and interviews with key people in the education process in Greece about their thoughts and experiences on "what, how and why" different factors and conditions could facilitate effective inclusive practices. The findings can contribute to the improvement of inclusive practices at preschool education and influence the policy and practice of inclusive education in Greece. (EN)

Inclusive education, early childhood education and care, pre-school inclusive education, pre-school teachers’ training needs (EN)

Mediterranean Journal of Education


Array (EN)

Mediterranean Journal of Education; Vol. 3, N. 1 (2023); 63-80 (EL)
Mediterranean Journal of Education; Vol. 3, N. 1 (2023); 63-80 (EN)

Copyright (c) 2023 Mediterranean Journal of Education (EL)

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