Contribute scientific content aggregator is supported by and supports a strong network of stakeholders. Libraries, archives, academic and research institutions from Greece, both public and private, are involved by providing documented digitized scientific content.
Collection resources include academic grey literature, research articles, books, conference proceedings, archives, etc, and among topics that span the science, humanities, social sciences and medicine disciplines.
If you have documented scientific content and implement the OAI-PMH metadata protocol, you can easily have your content aggregated by Your data should be made available to EKT through OAI-PMH and in particular by following one of the ESE, EDM or, under conditions, one of the following standards: OAI-DC, Qualified DC (QDC), HEAL, MODS and DC- DS-XML.
Detailed technical specifications are available here.
Any comments or questions? Email us at
If you have unpublished digitized and documented scientific or academic material, you could benefit from our Repository Service which enables you to document, manage and share your digital content with your audience through an easy-to-use SaaS application.