‘I want to be white, like I look’: The case of the Imitation of Life and the Motion Picture Production Code during the mid-1930s

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‘I want to be white, like I look’: The case of the Imitation of Life and the Motion Picture Production Code during the mid-1930s (EN)

Stankiewicz, Kathleen

Peer-reviewed Article (EN)


No abstract available (EN)

Entertainment - Journal of Media and Movie Studies


History Department, Queensborough Community College / CUNY (EN)

Entertainment - Journal of Media and Movie Studies; Τόμ. 1 (2016); 5-23 (EL)
Entertainment - Journal of Media and Movie Studies; Vol. 1 (2016); 5-23 (EN)

Copyright (c) 2018 Kathleen Stankiewicz (EN)

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