Der Lichtbegriff bei 13-14-jährigen Schülern : eine didaktische Intervention angelehnt an dem Begriff der sozialen Markierung

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Der Lichtbegriff bei 13-14-jährigen Schülern : eine didaktische Intervention angelehnt an dem Begriff der sozialen Markierung

Barke, Hans-Dieter
Nikolakopoulou, Katerina
Ravanis, Konstantinos
Daoutsali, Eleni

Ραβάνης, Κωνσταντίνος

This research project investigates the impact that social-teaching mediation has in conceptual change concerning the idea of light among grade 8 students in Greece. In order to challenge these misconceptions in this regard an intervention was realized with one of the two groups of 13-14 years old children. The experimental group participated in a teaching process which aimed to lead pupils to cognitive reconstruction based at the social marking concept of “light travel”; the control group followed traditional teaching methods based to the curriculum. In all tasks that were studied the difference between pre-test and post-test was significant: the experimental group was able to explain the light as an entity.

Research papers

Κοινωνική σήμανση
Social marking
Αναπαραστάσεις των μαθητών
Students' representations

Neue Didaktik


Ravanis, K. Daoutsali, E. Nikolakopoulou, K. & Barke, H.-D. (2011). Der Lichtbegriff bei 13-14-jährigen Schülern: Eine didaktische Intervention angelehnt an dem Begriff der sozialen Markierung. Neue Didaktik, 2011(1), 97-110.

Neue Didaktik

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