Asymptotic feedback stabilization: A sufficient condition for the existence of control Lyapunov functions

Asymptotic feedback stabilization: A sufficient condition for the existence of control Lyapunov functions
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Asymptotic feedback stabilization: A sufficient condition for the existence of control Lyapunov functions (EN)

Tsinias, J (EN)

journalArticle (EN)

1990 (EN)

In this paper we study the feedback stabilization problem for a wide class of nonlinear systems that are affine in the control. We offer sufficient conditions for the existence of 'Control Lyapunov functions' that according to [3,23] and [28-30] guarantee stabilization at a specified equilibrium by means of a feedback law, which is smooth except possibly at the equilibrium. We note that the results of the paper present a local nature. © 1990. (EN)

Operations Research & Management Science (EN)
control Lyapunov functions (EN)
System Stability - Lyapunov Methods (EN)
Asymptotic Stabilization (EN)
Automation & Control Systems (EN)
asymptotic stabilization (EN)
state feedback (EN)
Control Systems, Nonlinear (EN)
Nonlinear systems (EN)
Feedback Stabilization (EN)

Systems and Control Letters (EN)



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