Epoxy-pretreated asbestos composites. Solution based versus interfacial polymerization pretreatment process

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στον ιστότοπο του αποθετηρίου του φορέα για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και για να δείτε όλα τα ψηφιακά αρχεία του τεκμηρίου*

Epoxy-pretreated asbestos composites. Solution based versus interfacial polymerization pretreatment process (EN)

Duvis, T (EN)
Papaspyrides, CD (EN)

1990 (EN)

Epoxy-resin-based composites filled with treated asbestos fibers were made. The asbestos, of chrysotile variety, was coated by impregnation in poly(hexamethylene adipamide) solution and the results of testing the tensile properties of the asbestos/polyamide/epoxy composite system are presented. The interest was focused on the influence of the asbestos content in the composite together with that of the polaymide content deposited on asbestos. No satisfactory reinforcing effect was found, especially when comparing with previous studies on coating the chrysotile by in situ interfacial polymerization. Nevertheless, a qualitative model was proposed to correlate the effect of the different phases contained in the composite with the experimental behavior encountered. (EN)

Asbestos--Impregnation (EN)
Treated Asbestos Fibers (EN)
Crysotile Fibers Coating (EN)
Polyamides--Solutions (EN)
Mathematical Techniques--Correlation Methods (EN)
Interfacial Polymerization Pretreatment Process (EN)
Asbestos Polyamide Epoxy Composite (EN)
Polymer Science (EN)
In Situ Interfacial Polymerization (EN)
Composite Materials--Fiber Reinforced (EN)
Epoxy Resins (EN)

Journal of Applied Polymer Science (EN)

Αγγλική γλώσσα


*Η εύρυθμη και αδιάλειπτη λειτουργία των διαδικτυακών διευθύνσεων των συλλογών (ψηφιακό αρχείο, καρτέλα τεκμηρίου στο αποθετήριο) είναι αποκλειστική ευθύνη των αντίστοιχων Φορέων περιεχομένου.